Monday, April 29, 2013

Comfort Zone

Today, our task is to go home and write about a way that we are staying within our comfort zone that is detrimental to our learning in terms of our projects. This is a tough one for me. I really did, with my project outline/setup/goals, try to stray from my comfort zone, but also do something that I wanted to do and had previous experience with. I'm using all new software and hardware, exploring new genres, and working with people I haven't worked with before. I think that maybe the thing that I am doing the most of that could possibly be detrimental is working alone. I've always been the perfectionist/control freak when it came to the stuff that I really cared about, and I have yet to really get outside opinions on most aspects of my project. While I have been working with other musicians in ways that I have not done in the past, I still have been in pretty much complete control of everything. This is the way the project was set up though, so I'm not sure if it's a bad thing. It's tricky.

1 comment:

  1. Hi St. John!

    Be ready to share your artifact 5/6 (sorry I was out).

    Interesting that you realize there's comfort in your independence (and maintenance of "control"). Sounds like you've got to try to collaborate and/or delegate and LEARN to be O.K. with it....look forward to seeing how the experience shapes you.

    Ms. L ;)
